推動 貿易往來

科法斯擁有 4,900 名員工,來自 58 個國家的 80 個國籍,共享與世界接軌的企業文化。


科法斯與全球各產業約 5 萬家企業客戶緊密合作,協助客戶開拓業務,提升活力與競爭力,並收穫更多成功。 我們的團隊不懈努力,推動貿易往來。








科法斯致力於提供解決方案,幫助企業制定明智的商業決策,促進全球和本地貿易。 我們的信用保險可保護企業避免拒付風險,為企業保駕護航。

我們也會提供指導,幫助企業適應瞬息萬變的世界。 我們透過財務狀況及可靠性評估,幫助企業深入了解客戶、供應商及發展前景。

此外,我們也可預測重大經濟趨勢,分析不同地區和產業的風險。 加入科法斯,您將有機會參與發展和推廣我們這一獨特的微觀和宏觀經濟專長。 此外,科法斯也為許多企業提供日常支持,協助決策和商業策略。

  • 科法斯全球解決方案團隊透過一系列針對性服務協助跨國公司發展。 在本影片中,科法斯客戶 Tyrolit 講述了科法斯如何為他們提供日常支援。



科法斯的獨特魅力在於以人為本,放眼全球,每個人都很重要。 身為科法斯的一員,有機會與不同年齡、性別及文化背景的人共事。 我們的人本文化也體現在工作風格中,我們崇尚友善親切、簡單、開放。


  • 營造包容的工作環境
  • 助力員工發展
  • 反對任何形式的歧視,促進公正公平

The Happeners Making Trade Happen How does Coface connect you to the rest of the world? I have always had to work with people who are very open-minded in a sense, very open to international growth. And in my day-to-day work I'm always working with people from other countries, both at the local level - there are always foreigners in almost all the subsidiaries - but also at the regional and group level. Everyday, we communicate with the risk underwriting centres located in seven regions around the world. I think the cultural context that we have gives us the opportunity to share and implement unconventional solutions, to exchange experiences, ideas; to look at different management styles, and implement some of them in our day-to-day work. What makes the employee experience at Coface special for you? I don't feel that there are differences in terms of culture, nationalities, or even location. For me, we work in a team that is located in different places, but in everyday life, we don't see where each of us is located. We work and we make progress on our projects. It's the style of communication between departments with a willingness to always help out, and to share the experience and knowledge. I know colleagues who have very local jobs, but have been assigned international, global or regional projects. And yes, I think that has always meant that Coface can make you feel comfortable, and that you can always have that international vision and that intercultural support. Coface has an open culture: here, we can speak up freely, and share ideas across the organisation. Coface is like a big family: it does not matter what your nationality is, or what accent you speak. Each of us is contributing to the world economy, and that's our common objective. At Coface, we are Making Trade Happen. The Happeners Making Trade Happen Watch the series at coface.com/happeners


  • “科法斯內部的 '女性領導力'網路專注於女性職涯發展。我們致力於在公司各級推進背景和年齡多元化。我們的決策過程也體現了多元化,這絕對是我們的一大優勢!”

Leigh M. 


與世界經濟同步發展意味著要面對多元文化。 科法斯團隊善於融合自身專業知識並進行全球協作,了解指定市場狀況,解決企業面臨的種種問題。


  • 我們的海外同事將與您密切協作,為全球客戶提供更優質的服務。
  • 您將有機會在辦公室、會議和教育訓練中,接觸到不同國籍和文化背景的同事。
  • 科法斯獨特的國際網絡提供了大量外派工作機會,即使新人也不例外!

We received a request from a major French car manufacturer, who wants to develop its electric vehicle sales, via its main distributor in Denmark. How do you work together to meet clients' needs? I'll start by going to the Economic Research Department, to ask them for information about Denmark, specifically the electric vehicle distribution segment in the country, and market share figures, if possible. Then I go to the Information Department, to ask them about this distributor, what is the financial trend. As the economist for Northern Europe, I'm am of course the first port of call when it comes to Danish market issues. In this specific case that we're looking at, the first thing I'll do is examine automotive market data for Denmark. For example, registration figures, or the current e-vehicle trends. When I have summarized that, then I have a nice macroeconomic picture. But when it comes to micro data, for example, the specific business environment, then of course I pass this question on to my risk colleagues on site. In order to understand the risk involved with the market for electrical vehicles, I'd take a look at publically available information, such as government regulattions, the electric vehicle market's development, as well as key figures from the company. I would also contact their CFO or CEO and talk about their company, to learn about their sales figures, and what developments they expect to see in the future. What is the added value of collaboration for clients? The Coface system, is based on being "close to the risk": we know that the local people are our teams in the field, and are the best placed to respond to the requests we receive. Here, at the EIC, (Enhanced Information Centre) we survey, and collect knowledge about the most significant parts of the exposure that Coface has. You can never know absolutely everything, but you can still get enough information to improve your understanding of the company. The strong international environment is a great advantage when looking at risks from different angles and therefore making the best possible risk assessment - even if that means I have to juggle my work around different time zones! At Coface, we are Making Trade Happen. The Happeners Making Trade Happen Watch the series at coface.com/happeners


  • "在科法斯,我與各種不同文化背景的同事一起工作。這讓我了解了不同的文化和觀點。多元的文化激發了我們的創造力,提升了我們的績效,營造了極佳的 工作環境。能加入這樣的團隊,我感到非常自豪。"

Yuliia N. 
跨國企業客戶經理 - 科法斯全球解決方案杜拜團隊


75 餘年來,我們從未停止腳步,不斷挑戰自我,這就是科法斯長盛不衰的核心所在!




In innovation, we do two main things. We have a prospective work, trying to identify the technological trends in use that will impact our businesses, our customers and our partners. We have a customer vision that guides our project. We don't do R&D to develop projects that will remain in a laboratory, but we are already driven by an existing need of our customers, which are the business lines. Coface's international database is unique in the world. The data contained in this database allows us to be absolutely predictive in evaluating a single company and the market; the risks of the market where the company operates. And this is absolutely a competitive and innovative key. We set up a hackathon, where we brought about forty people together from seven different regions. I think there were about fifteen countries represented and we got them to work remotely on customer needs, so they connected with the customers. They came, we had several stages and finally, we managed to produce a kind of prototype that we showed to our clients, who were very satisfied. So, from there, we started to build the product. With a series of small weekly challenges, each week we asked the teams to ask themselves a question, so one challenge per week. And at the end of the week, they would come and pitch their proposal. So, at the end of this hackathon, I participated in the development of the product by extracting the data used to build the different indicators used in this product. We created an innovative, user-friendly platform with the purpose of guiding companies in their sales choices. All of this not only involving our staff but also involving the clients, and this allowed us to launch a platform more rapidly, in a better performing way. Innovation is the key to success for a company. Improving our own offer, listening to the market, testing all aspects of the platform, understanding if we're meeting our clients' needs and listening to the commercial feedback. All of this helps you to innovate and to succeed. Our team works in an iterative way. Generally, we start by trying to understand a need. Then we dig in when we think we have something that starts to work. We'll do some tests. We'll try to propose things, mock-ups to customers, or test a technology with them with Coface employees. And then, the more we advance, the more we'll enrich the solution to obtain something that is a complete solution in the end. Creating a product in less than six months that corresponds to customer needs proves that we are agile. It proves that we listen to our customers and it proves that there is real creativity in what we do. At Coface, we are making trade happen.


  • "我們創建了一個配備靈活流程和先進科技的‘商業中心’,藉此打造了一支全新團隊,為客戶竭誠服務。 這幫助我們提高了服務品質!”

Bjoern M. – 資深解決方案開發經理,德國




包括財務分析師、風險核保專家、精算師、業務代表,以及 IT 系統、數據、變革管理、財務或人力資源等領域的專家。

