在最近接受《Le Revenu》專訪時,科法斯集團執行長 Xavier Durand 分享了他對風險管理、當前經濟挑戰以及數據和創新在風險分析與預防中的地位和角色的看法。
探索科法斯全面的風險儀表板,為 160 個國家和 13 個產業部門提供深入的風險評估,以做出策略決策
在最近接受《Le Revenu》專訪時,科法斯集團執行長 Xavier Durand 分享了他對風險管理、當前經濟挑戰以及數據和創新在風險分析與預防中的地位和角色的看法。
Coface releases its 2024 9M financial results. Net income (group share) at €207.7m, of which €65.4m in Q3-24 and annualised RoATE1 at 14.8%
The rating agency Fitch affirmed today Coface AA- Insurer Financial Strength (IFS) rating. The outlook remains stable.
Named API suite for brokers, this solution is a catalogue of API services enabling brokers to facilitate the management of their portfolio of policyholders with Coface. Coface is the first player on the credit insurance market to launch this type of offer.
Following the pandemic, industries across the globe spanning various sectors have seen a profound change as market demands have shifted and businesses have strategised to adapt. As the pandemic has made bare the inherent vulnerabilities that lie in certain business models, it has become crystal clear that there needs to be a new way of thinking about risk management for business resilience and sustainability.
GEODIS, the global leader in transport and logistics, leverages Coface's information services to help its credit management teams accurately assess their trading partners and better anticipate commercial risks.
自 2017 年以來,中美兩國的科技戰持續衝擊全球電子產業。關稅、出口管制和技術霸權之爭,重塑了產業鏈,也帶來了巨大不確定性。儘管競爭激烈,甚至整個產業可能在 2035 年之前四分五裂,但兩國間仍是你中有我,我中有你,相互依賴的關係根深蒂固。
Following the pandemic, industries across the globe spanning various sectors have seen a profound change as market demands have shifted and businesses have strategised to adapt. As the pandemic has made bare the inherent vulnerabilities that lie in certain business models, it has become crystal clear that there needs to be a new way of thinking about risk management for business resilience and sustainability.
商業世界瞬息萬變,既充滿豐厚回報,也蘊藏著許多不確定性。 成功企業的關鍵在於戰略性的財務規劃。這不僅僅是簡單的數據運算,還包括保持卓越的運營效率,為企業長期成功奠定基礎。
透過科法斯針對 160 多個國家和 13 個產業的全球風險評估來應對不確定性。
透過科法斯的貿易談話播客深入了解全球貿易的世界。 與貿易專家進行精彩的討論,探索市場動態,並發現成長策略。
客戶門戶網站 - CofaNet
科法斯線上平台,用於管理您的貿易應收帳款。全面監控您的風險。 根據您的合約直接存取信用管理工具。
ICON是一種商業資訊解決方案平台,旨在幫助您更加了解風險。 了解如何識別合作夥伴和客戶的財務狀況。
ICON是一種商業資訊解決方案平台,旨在幫助您更加了解風險。 了解如何識別合作夥伴和客戶的財務狀況。
API 入口網站
無需再在軟體應用程式之間周旋。 探索iCON by Coface的API目錄和一站式解決方案和貿易信用保險。