新闻, 经济分析 及洞察


探索科法斯全面的风险仪表板,为 160 个国家和 13 个产业部门提供深入的风险评估,以做出策略决策





  • #经济报告


    自 2017 年以来,中美两国的科技战持续冲击全球电子产业。关税、出口管制和技术霸权之争,重塑了产业链,也带来了巨大不确定性。尽管竞争激烈,甚至整个产业可能在 2035 年之前四分五裂,但两国间仍是你中有我,我中有你,相互依赖的关系根深蒂固。

  • #经济报告




    • #专家建议
    • #解决方案

    How the Business Risk Landscape Has Evolved Post-Pandemic ?

    Following the pandemic, industries across the globe spanning various sectors have seen a profound change as market demands have shifted and businesses have strategised to adapt. As the pandemic has made bare the inherent vulnerabilities that lie in certain business models, it has become crystal clear that there needs to be a new way of thinking about risk management for business resilience and sustainability.

    • #解决方案
    • #专家建议

    Credit Management for Business Growth: A Comprehensive Guide

    The business world is dynamic, offering significant rewards but also considerable uncertainties. A crucial factor that distinguishes successful companies is strategic financial planning. This goes beyond just crunching numbers; it involves upholding operational excellence and paving the way for the company’s long-term success.

    • #专家建议
    • #解决方案

    Procurement Risks: Strategic Mitigation for Sustainable Growth

    The procurement process encompasses a number of steps - including sourcing, negotiating with suppliers, purchasing, and management of inventory. While procurement largely refers to the acquisition of raw materials for manufacturing use, it also includes the acquisition of other non-production needs such as the sourcing of external vendors and purchasing of office supplies.

  • 商业风险仪表盘

    通过科法斯针对 160 多个国家和 13 个产业的全球风险评估来应对不确定性。